If your mind says to you that you have to prepare for something in life. Like acquiring new skills, or enhance your performance in academics. You need an efficient way of learning. Right?
The most dominant idea of preparing or learning for something is get-ready-for-fight kinda thought. You have to learn to program, people start looking for the best course that makes them the best programmer overnight. You are learning to sketch, same. Preparing for some subject or some exam, same there too.
But this is wrong.
What’s the actual efficient way of learning something?
But actually “spending time with” is what it has to be. Not more than that. Want to learn about the evolution of life, start spending time with the researches, and information present on the internet. Start spending time with the topic. The more you spend time with the topic, the closer you are to becoming an expert in it. Learning and getting experience in something is not about a “one-nighter” task. You pull an all-nighter and the next morning you are the expert of Astrophysics. That’s never gonna happen.
We have to spend time with the topic. The more the better.
That’s why if somebody asks me, how can I learn this if I am too bad at this? I replied, I am also bad at lots of things, but in which I feel I am a little bit good ( not better, and never will be best), I think this “spending time with” concept is what takes me to learn.
If somebody asked my old self, how you are going to learn for some topic? Let’s say learning programming.
Also read the article about Education, Learning, and Knowledge.
I’ve got these 5 books borrowed from the library, these have a total of 2565 pages. I would have a plan of reading 100 pages a day. But, only read 10 a day. So to learn this programming language takes forever.
But later when I realized that the grasp of the topic is equal to honest time spend with the topic.
So I think we all have to change this way of looking at the “preparing for something” thing. The thing that makes sense is to allot some time in your schedule for that thing. You want to learn some new language, take a book, or a course. And actively present that time for the sake of the learning.
When repeated over a period of time, you will be able to acquire knowledge more than you thought when you started.
Don’t take it too hard. Just spend honest time with the topic, learning a skill, or anything. You see progress gradually, not instant, but slowly.
So what you are going to spend time with?